Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sweat Shops

Hey, so here's a link to an article talking about sweatshops/slavery. Its quite long, but there is a lot of information in it that would blow you away. Its easy to ignore the fact that slavery is more prominent today that before the American Civil War, but when you read an article like this and its brings the truth a little closer to home. Not only are many of the workers who make our clothes made to work long gruelling hours for little pay, but rape is also prominent. I guess when you think about it, if someone values another's life so little that they can force children to work for nearly nothing and beat them almost to dead when they don't produce well enough, rape isn't exactly a stretch. Anyways, if you care to, click the link or read a small section I've copied below.

"For example, consider one of Kernaghan’s most horrifying exposés: In 2011 he penned areport on Classic, the largest factory in Jordan. Management hired young women from Asia, stripped them of their passports, forced them to work grueling hours for awful pay under a managerial regime that subjected them to routine rape. One woman hung herself in the factory’s bathroom with her own scarf after allegedly being raped at the hands of a manager. The Jordanian Department of Labor, when informed of the abuses, did nothing.
After Kernaghan’s exposé, Kohl’s, Macy’s and Lands’ End stopped doing business with Classic (they represented 8 percent of its export trade), but the factory’s chief customer, Wal-Mart, was unfazed. One serial rapist manager was fired, but many of the other managers accused of rape are still employed there, and women continue to disappear from the factory under highly suspicious circumstances. (Colleagues believe they are being murdered or sold into sexual slavery). According to documents recently smuggled out of the factory, 75 percent of Classic-made apparel is still going to Wal-Mart and Hanes."