Sunday, March 25, 2012

God's goodness :)

I am realizing more and more every day, how little I can really do on my own; How little strength I really have. I used to think I was pretty amazing, and was really going to go far. That I could grow into being a skilled speaker and really impact a lot of lives. This to an extent is true, but I thought I could do it on my own strength, with my own skill. But, I've come to realize that I really can't do any of that, not without God. Sure I can grow in the skill of public speaking, but without God no lives will be impacted. I could get up front of a crowd and say a lot of great words, but if they aren't the words that God wants me to share, then I've missed the point. I'm learning more and more how all things can be done through Christ who strengthens me, and how little can be done without Christ. I am realizing that if I want to give my life to impacting and helping others, it needs to be a life that is completely submitted to God. A life that is willing to go where He says to go, says what He says to say, and lives the way He calls us to live.
     We all know that God knows best. But sometimes we forget how important it is to wait on Him with in every situation. If I want to share with a group of people, and I really want to impact them and help them to grow close to God, then I need to seek God and share His words, not my own. Because God's words are the words that really have power. God knows the heart, He knows where they are at in their relationship with Him or lack there of. It is God that touches the heart. It is God that opens a person up to the gospel. If I want to be God's spokes person to bring people to Him and build up those who already know Him, then I need to be in relationship with God. I need to be seeking Him and speaking His words, because it is His words that have power, not mine.
     At the same time, what good are powerful words if my actions contradict my words? It is amazing, the strength God gives me to obey. On my own I want to do everything wrong. I want the wrong things, to go the wrong places, to do things at the wrong time. But God pours out His grace and guides me, giving me the strength to obey Him and live a life that exemplifies a small bit of His goodness. I still make mistakes, I still do wrong, but God pours His grace over me and forgives, and then gives me the strength to overcome and grow stronger. Its amazing how much God has been growing and strengthening me, especially with patience. Its not always easy, but God is good, and He helps us through the hard times and helps us all to grow! All we have to do is stay open to Him and remember that He knows what is best, He has a reason, and He works good out of all situations, even the ones that seem to suck the most. Its amazing to look back and see the good that God has brought out of some of the worst situations that I have gone through, and how He has used them to grow me. Its also so amazing knowing that even though I don't deserve it, God not only forgives, but wants to use me to further His kingdom. And He doesn't only want to use me, but wants to use all of us!

I hope that wasn't too much of a ramble ;)     Its just amazing having God by my side helping me through, and sometimes its hard to put into words :)